General specifications
At Cards Unlimited, we strive for the highest quality in our products. To ensure that your order is processed optimally, and the end result meets your expectations, please adhere the following specifications:
- Always check that all illustrations/images are embedded in the file to avoid problems when opening it.
- Do you deliver several documents per e-mail? Then do this ‘packed’ using a programme such as WinRar or Zip. You can also send your files via e.g. WeTransfer.
- Image resolution: 600 dpi. (Minimum 300 dpi).
- Resolution text: if you cannot supply it as a vector object, supply it in high resolution, at least 600 dpi.
- Embed fonts, supply or convert to letter contours.
- Open file (e.g. InDesign package or Illustrator): submit all linked illustrations and fonts.
- Spot colours: use the Pantone range.
- Descending objects 3 mm bleed all around.
- Black texts: define as 100% process black (in overprint). Do not build up.
- For PDF: put everything on one layer and do not leave invisible or non-printable layers in the file.
Card specific
- Finished size of card is 53.9 × 85.7 mm
- Do not cut out the magnetic strip (if any) in the design.
- Rounded corners: diameter is 3 mm. We apply this automatically, you do not need to add it to the file.

The card dimensions
The format of cards is 53.9 × 85.7 mm. This format is determined by ISO standard: ISO/IEC 7810:2003 ID-1. The rounded corners are 3 mm in diameter. You do not need to add these to the design. Always create the design with an additional 3 mm round the edge. This allows us to make a perfect edge pass.

Necessary free space for personalisation
The space needed for personalisation depends on various factors. Barcode type, length of name and address details, etc. We always agree with you on the space needed before the start of the printing process. Please find a few common cutouts below.
• Minimal cutout Intersolve barcode : 75 × 16 mm
• Minimal cutout 123TCS barcode : 85 × 20 mm
• Pincode cutout: 11 × 4 mm (only applicable on dark background)
• Standard format scratch-off label : 19 × 6 mm (other scratch-off label formats can be agreed)